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Get in Contact
7-02 @ 18:00 - 20:00

How can we be at ease in an unstable and uncertain world? How can we train our bodies, hearts and minds to move safely but bravely through the unknown? How can we cultivate ways of relating more authentically to ourselves, others, and the whole environment in which we live?
Get in Contact is an invitation to explore these questions through the practice of Contact Improvisation (CI). Each session begins with a short warm up, followed by a workshop focused on fundamental principles and qualities that can be developed through CI. Ample space is then given to an improvisational format open to free conscious movement and experimentation.
Get in Contact is suitable for both complete beginners as well as more experienced people. Open-mindedness and mutual respect are the only prerequisites for participation. It is possible to attend individual sessions or the whole series.
Where: Al Nour, Blekerstraat 17, 9718 EA Groningen
Language: EN/NL (depending on the needs of the group)
Facilitator: Andrea Sangiacomo
Info: asangiac@gmail.com
Andrea is a philosopher, meditator and mover. He has a background in Ashtanga Yoga (200h teacher training with Gregor Maehle and Monica Gauci), conscious and ecstatic dance (facilitator training with DanceTheMedicine), “Contact Beyond Contact” (facilitator level 2). He studies Contact Improvisation in the Netherlands and abroad and is currently doing a one-year CI teacher training in Freiburg.