Weergave laden.
How can we be at ease in an unstable and uncertain world? How can we train our bodies, hearts and minds to move safely but bravely through the unknown? How can we cultivate ways of relating more authentically to ourselves, others, and the whole environment in which we live? Get in Contact is an invitation...
How can we be at ease in an unstable and uncertain world? How can we train our bodies, hearts and minds to move safely but bravely through the unknown? How can we cultivate ways of relating more authentically to ourselves, others, and the whole environment in which we live? Get in Contact is an invitation...
How can we be at ease in an unstable and uncertain world? How can we train our bodies, hearts and minds to move safely but bravely through the unknown? How can we cultivate ways of relating more authentically to ourselves, others, and the whole environment in which we live? Get in Contact is an invitation...
How can we be at ease in an unstable and uncertain world? How can we train our bodies, hearts and minds to move safely but bravely through the unknown? How can we cultivate ways of relating more authentically to ourselves, others, and the whole environment in which we live? Get in Contact is an invitation...
How can we be at ease in an unstable and uncertain world? How can we train our bodies, hearts and minds to move safely but bravely through the unknown? How can we cultivate ways of relating more authentically to ourselves, others, and the whole environment in which we live? Get in Contact is an invitation...
Nora Knol
Locatie Centrum Al Nour
(tevens postadres)
Blekerstraat 17
9718 EA Groningen
Telefoonnummer: 06-2016 3298
E-mailadres: info@al-nour.nl
Inschrijving Kamer van Koophandel: 02041460
© Al Nour – Alle rechten voorbehouden
Webhosting: iVendo Marketing Groningen